
Meet The Builder

I am Will, a father to three sons, a real estate broker and a fellow investor. I decided to build homes that I find fun, cool, attractive and unique. In short, I build homes that I like and that I would enjoy living in. 

Homes are more than just a place to sleep at night. A home could be a huge sprawling space or a tiny, efficient cabin. What's important is how your home makes you feel. 

Personally, I prefer modern, efficient, small homes that are big on design. I reside in the Barndo 800 with my laundry in the garage. It's perfect. What kind of home speaks to you?  

Personal stuff: 

I love hiking, singing karaoke and spending time with my sons, friends and loved ones. I am from NC originally and have traveled extensively. I have lived in three different countries outside the US but now call Branson home. Branson brings together some of the things I have sought my entire life like great people, lots of beautiful land, lakes, hiking, streams, wildlife and stuff to do are all within a short drive.